Whether you are someone who easily cry? Not only the face of death the people closest to, but also when watching a sad movie, hear the stories of friends being bad, or hit by problems at work? The crying is often seen as a weakness. With a cry, a person is often considered weak, not strong, and so forth. Crying is seen as a sign of one's soul that fragile or easy to pity. However, it turns out crying can also be seen from the health side. "Crying is a wonderful thing. This is a sign of strength and authenticity, not a sign of weakness, "says Judith Orloff, MD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA and author of the book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life.
He not only studied the emotional impact of the crying, but also physical health benefits. "This is a function of natural healing." That is, to cry, you can actually become healthier, according to Orloff. What are the benefits in terms of health? Tears of a natural way of our body to process stress. Physically, it tears like sea water, salty liquid that helps lubricate the eye and drive turbulence stress hormones and other toxins. In various studies, the cries also cause us to produce endorphins, hormones that give a sense of fun. However, what is the situation like that can cause a weeping regarded as something healthy? Grief and loss, for example. If you lose your loved ones, crying is the only way to release a sadness. If you insist on not cry in situations like that, it will only cause you depression.
To know when you might need to cry, you need to identify the five major causes of stress and frustration in your life. You can write on a piece of paper. Then you have to associate these emotions at an event so you can see the trigger. After having this awareness, you will be able to manage emotions better. However, there are times when you feel like crying, but was unable to shed tears. Usually this happens when the winding problem is so complicated that you like numb. How to relieve the feeling?
If you are classified as a difficult man to cry, actually can train yourself to be able to cry. You can try "happy cry." Try to watch a comedy movie, or think of something that makes you laugh. Once you master this happy cries, it's easier for you to cry over a traumatic event.
source: health.com
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