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Therapy Overcoming Depression and Preventing Brain Tumor

Do you want to increase brain power and maximize the memory? Try the consumption of nutritious foods is very helpful. Try to consume the following foods to help improve memory.
Here are foods that are beneficial to ward off depression and prevent brain :

Egg yolk
Food for brain development and memory is abundant in egg yolks. This is why children under the age of seven years is recommended to eat them, because the areas that affect your memory is still at the early stage of development.

Many vitamin E, which can make the brain healthier, thus helping to prevent memory loss due to aging. Walnuts also contain omega-3. While the magnesium-rich nuts that allow the production of oxygen to brain cells increases.

Coffee Beans
Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids. Several studies have shown, drinking coffee regularly may reduce the risk of dementia. A study in South Korea and even revealed that coffee contains substances that can slow the growth of brain tumors.

Contain fisetin called flavonoids that can improve working memory in the brain. All types of berries, including blueberries, are also rich in antioxidants that can help reduce stress in the brain.

Salmon high in omega-3 fatty acids, high DHA. Consumption would facilitate the transmission of signals in the brain. Low levels of DHA can lead to memory loss, lack of concentration or mood disorders.

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