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Healthy Food Medicine for Relieve Stress

Relieve Stress
Do you tend to look for snacks when stressed ? Quiet ... Almost everybody does it. But you know, there are certain foods that you can make you healthier as well be your stress reliever. This is a super food that stress reliever.


Yes .. .. let's go green ! Three bowls of spinach provides 40 percent of the magnesium your body needs to maintain your blood pressure, so says Beth Reardon, RD, Nutrition Director at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.

Habits Can Reduce the Immune

Stress Therapy
Some daily habits could actually reduce a person's immune system. Without realizing there are 8 things that can make a person's immune system decline. Decreased immune not only makes a person exposed to the flu or a cough, but it makes people vulnerable to infection of bacteria or viruses out.
There are several things that can lower immunity, namely :
1. Acting pessimistic.
A study from UCLA found a student who started his first semester of the optimist has more T cells, so as to reinforce and strengthen the immune response of natural killer cells in the body.

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