According to the research Alvan Goldstein, found the substance in the human brain endorphins, a substance that provides a calming effect called endogegonius Morphin. Drs Subandi explained, that the gland endorfina and enkefalina pituitrin produced by a gland in the brain turned out to have effects similar to opiates (opium) which have the function of causing pleasure (Pleasure Principle), so-called endogenous opiate. If someone deliberately entering Morphin substance into her body, there will be a cessation of production of endorphins. Drug users, if conducted outside Morphin termination of a sudden, people will experience withdrawal (which tortured and restless addiction) because the brain no longer produces these substances. To restore the production of endorphins in the brain can be done with Meditation, prayer is right or doing dhikr, dhikr is indeed a lot to give peace.
DR. Aidh al-Qarni wrote in his book entitled LA TAHZAN (Do not be sad!): When the sea roared, the waves were mounting, and wind swept, all passenger vessels would panic and call: O Allah!. When a person is lost in the desert, the vehicle deviates far from its path, and the caravan confused determine the direction of the way, they will call: O Allah!. when disaster strikes, disaster struck, and the tragedy happened, those who are affected will always cried out: O Allah!. When all was unable to finish, every road was narrow, hope is lost, and all the shortcuts clogs, they were called: O Allah!. When the earth was narrowed due to the crush of the problems of life, and life seemed depressed by the heavy burden of life that you must endure, menyerulah: O Allah!. Every good speech, a heartfelt prayer, groaning an honest, full of tears dripping sincerity, and all complaints that the heart is the only proper menggundahgulanakan directed to the presence of HIS. Every morning before, tengadahkan the palms of the hands, stick out your arms full of hope, and continued to gaze your eyes directed towards His pleading for help! When the tongue moves, nothing more than to call, remember and dhikr with HIS name. That way, the heart will settle down, life will be peaceful, no longer tensed nerves, and faith back burning.
Ibn Al-Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah wrote in his book Medicine of the Prophet SAW method. : Another Tip of the disaster is to realize that that gave him the disaster was God the Wise, the Lord of all Creatures that Wise, Ar-Rahman (the Merciful), Lord of all creatures full of grace. And also realize that God sent him misfortune not to destroy, not to torture him and also not to hurt her. But God gives it a trial to test the patience, pleasure and faith. In order for God to hear prayer and surrender himself to HER, so she knelt in front of the door-HIS; to expect His grace, hand in the destruction of his heart in front of HIS, and submit complaints to the HIS. If God does not treat His servants through trials and reinforcements, they will exceed the limits, arbitrary and do not know the rules.
William James said, Suffering has helped us to achieve a limit that was never imagined. If Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy did not experience the bitter life, they will not succeed to write memoirs and novels are wonderful and lasting until today. Thus, orphanhood, blindness, exile, and poverty is one reason for the growth of creativity, productivity, progress and contributions.
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