The scientific world view that became unstable after his practice for years and finally found scientific evidence that prayer has the power to heal. Issuance of his book Healing Words, who in his preface says that by incorporating the art of healing that takes into account the spiritual aspects into medical science, this book will pave the way toward a science of medicine is more effective and more humane at the same time, a medicine that works and better. Like most people who complete medical education, Larry Dossey was initially also considered the prayer is superstition are like.
Those who do not believe in prayer in general assume that studies conducted to show evidence of the efficacy of prayer was lousy methodology, design and observations is poor, so the result is sheer fantasy. However, it is not. Until 1993, the researchers conducted a controlled study was 131 times (Healing Research), and some have been using the highest design, Double Blind randomized Control Trial. Fifty-six of this study show the results are statistically significant at P < 0.01, while 21 studies showed the significance of P < 0.5. These experiments related to the healing effects of prayer on enzymes, cells, yeast, bacteria, plants, animals and humans.
If the quality is still questionable, the answer, 10 of whom are doctoral dissertations, 2 master's thesis, the remaining unpublished in reputable medical journals. Larry Dossey propose some future trends that if non-local concept is accepted then the prayer / worship activities will be recognized as a potent force in medical science and will become part of mainstream medicine. Acts of worship will become standard in scientific medical practice in most medical community. Its use will be more widespread, so as to not recommend the use of prayer as an integral part of medical care one day be the fault of medical treatment. Prof. Dr. dr. H. Dadang Hawari, Psychiatrist (Professor of Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia. PhD in NAZA): "In addition to medical therapy, prayer, prayer and dhikr to boost immunity against HIV / AIDS". Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, in one article in a book titled "Understanding the Brain" (published by Publishers Compass), wrote: Our lives are so hard, then do not mention plus hard.
The option to do more reflection really wise. Now apparently we need more spiritual activities. We need to improve intelligence spirituality (Spiritual Quotient, SQ, Danah Zohar & Ian Marshall), among others through search into themselves with the struggle outside. People who do a lot of prayer, meditation, prayers, dhikr, tahajud, will be able to tame the body of the autonomic nervous system. Our autonomic nervous disposition, because all modern life today, an average of more wild and untamed. Consciously we ourselves can not control it. Autonomic nervous activity, which makes us fierce and hot-tempered during this, is outside the influence of the conscious will of us. One way to tame it, he said, with more spiritual activities. People who are high spirituality higher alpha waves in his brain. This is what makes life more peaceful, even if a storm of anxiety, fear, and panic keeps crashing without the need to take medication or seek the help of the shaman. Thus the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, mental illness, and cancer is becoming smaller. Most stress and negative feeling flushed the modern man now trigger many diseases.
Motion spirituality will be able to mute it. Dr. Benny Ardjil, SpKJ (Kapuslab T & R BNN): "By way of Spiritual, Heart and Soul they (victim drug) can be cured." Carrel Aulia (1980: 19.20) suggests that if prayer were familiarized and earnest, the effect becomes very clear. He was a kind of psychological change and kebadanan. Peace posed by the prayer was a great help in treatment. Regarding the prayer is not granted, then Carrel suggests that prayer is often not successful, because most who say your prayers that fall into the category of people who just selfish, liar, braggart, two-faced, no faith and love. Islamic teachings are full of prayer, as prayer and want to wake up, pray before and after meals, prayers and out of the toilet, riding prayer, prayer and out of the mosque, and so on other.
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