Several research experts about the positive impact of religion, or faith in God to mental health and ability to cope with stress, some of which were as follows:
* Palaotzian & Kirkpatrick (1995) suggests that religion (faith) to improve mental health and helping individuals to cope with stress.
* Elisson (1991) argued that religion can develop psychological health of many people. People strong faith in God to be happier in his life, and fewer have a negative impact of traumatic life events compared with those of low faith in the Lord (do not perform religious teachings)
* Koenig et al (1988) argued that many people who spontaneously reported that her religion is very helpful during the stress.
* McIntosh et al (1993) has conducted research on the parents who lost her son, because sudden death, by looking at two things: his belief that religion as a belief system and its activity in the church. The results show that they can accept it naturally. more specifically, they get social support, and better able to take the wisdom (the meaning) of events such loss.
* McCullough et al (2000) argued that religious beliefs can prolong life.
* Seybold & Hill (2001) that religion not only as part of a meaningful life, but also provide advantages in developing mental health.
Based on the above opinions, it can be concluded that religion had an enormous influence on the mental health of individuals. Thus it can be argued that individuals will not achieve or have a mentally healthy without religion.
Ibn al-Qayyim: There's something else than Prophet instructions, which when compared with medical science in general medical personnel, such as comparisons of medical science with medical science lay people. It has been recognized by the intellectual circles and figures of existing medical science. Some of them stated that they have medical science is the analogy. There is also an opinion that their medicine is an experiment. There are also dare say that their medicine is wangsit and precise predictions. There is also a state that adopted many of the medical science of livestock. As we can see that the jungle cats if the animals could eat the poisonous soon approaching and licking the oil lamp to treat him. We can also see the snake coming out of the ground if his eyes blurred, and then immediately close to the leaf razyang mengelebatkan his eyes in front of the leaf. As well as a bird body temperature is too hot immediately immerse themselves into the sea. And many other examples cited in the basics of medical science. How could all that kind of medical theory can be compared with the revelation sent down by Allah to His Prophet that explains what benefit and bring danger. Comparison between medical science that they have with revelations such as the ratio between the sciences which they have compared to the sciences taught by the prophets. Even the teachings of the prophets contain elements of the treatment of many diseases that can not be expressed by the brain's greatest experts of medical science though, has not been achieved by knowledge, experiment and analogy them. Namely the treatment of liver disease and spiritual disease, strengthen the resilience of spirit, a sense of lean and trust in God, die to the law of HIS, humble ourselves before His, always give alms, pray, repent, seek forgiveness, do good to others, helping people difficult, eliminating the difficulties of others and so forth. All forms of treatment have been tried by various people with all kinds of their religion, it turns out they have other forms such treatment has the effect for healing within the limits of medical knowledge has never achieved among physicians with all the experiments and their analogy.
Following the Way of Islam is not as difficult as imagined by the people. Many Western people we admire his counsel were aware or not they also develop Islamic teachings. An example is like a story book resource Miracle Prayer Movement, Steven Covey mengembangkan7 habits that are very effective in improving the quality of our lives, even now has to be 8, with the addition of Greatness as a penetrate habit Illahiyah region. Courses are great expense was never followed by a resource, and to certificates and plakatnya, was very simple and make us ashamed, because exactly the same as the teachings of Islam.
Motion raised both hands in a prayer-takbirotul ihram if developed, but the result is very good for restoring and uplifting as part of his earth-shaking technique Tung Desem Waringin. If we seek goodness and truth, must eventually accordance with Islamic teachings. Islam is a religion of Universal, and to all mankind. possible explanation of the verses of the Qur'an or the Hadith of the Prophet of confusion in a country, is in another country, there is in other tribes, or on another human being. Therefore, we must know each other. For example, to know that the practice Islamic teachings healthful Physical, mental and the environment, one way is to study the Chinese medicine theory, especially Wu Sing.
Learning that we consider to Muslim scholars, it does not mean we are free from misdirection. Learning to non-Muslims, it does not mean they are always in error; usually only sound belief are less precise. It's just that we will not be lost for sticking to the Quran and Hadiths (Sunnah). We also do not think all Christian and Jewish teachings were heretical because of Christian and Jewish religions were Samawi and in accordance with the teachings of Islam we have to admit the truth.
Al-Quran only as thick as a book but discusses everything and one Hadith as tiny temple. in my opinion, was deliberately made so that we will come together to learn, understand, develop, and trying to find an explanation by making the Quran and Hadith as a guide.
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