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Overcome Stress Naturally

Almost all living things on this earth would ever feel the stress. Usually, the stress that afflicts human beings are influenced by the environment. Or, come from our own body and mind. Because this disorder is so close to us, not hurt us to know more how to eliminate stress naturally. Stress disorder that happens to us is a normal problem. Because, our bodies are designed to experience and react to stress disorders. But behind it, stress can give positive impact for us. This is due, the stress will make us always on guard to avoid danger.

On the other hand, stress can be very negative if not immediately addressed. Because adverse reactions arising from stress is a disturbance of balance in the body. As a result, headache, abdominal pain, increased blood pressure, chest pain to insomnia, will hit us.

So, how to throw? For those of you who like to consume alcoholic beverages, drugs, and smoking cigarettes, you should leave the habit. Indeed, if it is done, will add a negative impact.

Here are some ways to manage stress naturally.
1. Act and think positively. Do not you ever think negatively of others. Once you do, do not expect your brain to stop thinking. Try to think positive about something that happened to you. Take lessons that befall yourself into something positive. Then, be positive when you make a solution of a problem.
2. Limitations. Humans are born have a deficiency and excess. Instead, you should be aware of this. So, you do not feel miserable when unable to resolve a problem.
3. Be assertive rather than aggressive. It is not easy to reduce anger. However, the more our emotions, the more energy out. Instead, be firm on your feelings, opinions and beliefs in the self than concerned with feeling angry, defensive, or passive.
4. Learn and practice relaxation. Nothing wrong with you read the book or seen the film relaxation. Obviously this is very useful for your brain to not work too hard.
5. Exercise at. When you regularly do exercise, the body will be more robust in the face of stress. Therefore, our bodies are always in excellent health and fit.
6. Healthy and balanced meals. Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Remember, a healthy diet 4 5 perfect, should be done every day.
7. Rest and sleep. Our bodies are not machines that knows no fatigue. So, should, create an opportunity for our bodies can rest and enough sleep. If this body is resting, automatic recovery in the body will occur.
8. Socialization. Believe me, many friends who will make the heart more cheerful and escape from the heavy thoughts. Remember, have a thousand friends is still small. But, one person had too many enemies.

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